

I grew up in Ica, a city 300 km south of the capital, Lima (Peru). After high school, I went to the city of Cusco to study English. While studying, I worked in a restaurant popular with travelers. That was when I decided to attend a course in the tourism sector.
I studied at the Cenfotur in Lima, one of the best tourism institutes in Peru, and took the course “Managing a travel agency”, then I moved to Cusco where I started to study the “Official Guide of Tourism”. After my training, I worked as a guide in Lima, Cusco, and its surroundings.
From childhood, I’ve been interested in seeing new places and meeting new people. In recent years, I have had the opportunity to see much of the world. Now, as a resident of Cusco (Peru), I want to share my experiences in my part of the world with people who are interested in learning more about my country.

I hope to see you soon in Peru!

¡Saludos cordiale



°Tourism Management °Official Tourism Guide

I speak English and I am now learning German.

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