Personal Data Protection Policy


TURA TRAVEL PERU is a company established under Peruvian law, with the sole purpose of managing travel packages for the receptive and domestic market. TURA TRAVEL PERU is committed to protecting the security and confidentiality of the information of all individuals with whom it interacts, strictly adhering to the provisions outlined in Law No. 29733, the Personal Data Protection Law, its Regulation approved by Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, and its supplementary regulations.

This document describes TURA TRAVEL PERU’s Personal Data Protection Policy.


The main regulations are as follows:

  • Political Constitution of Peru of 1993
  • Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law
  • Supreme Decree No. 003-2013-JUS, which approves the Regulation of Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law


This Policy applies to all personal data processing activities by TURA TRAVEL PERU. It is mandatory for TURA TRAVEL PERU employees and any third parties to whom TURA TRAVEL PERU provides personal data.


TURA TRAVEL PERU considers it important to protect the security and confidentiality of the personal data of all individuals with whom it interacts, and thus undertakes the following commitments:

  • Process personal data only with the explicit, unequivocal consent of the data subject or their legal representatives.
  • Do not collect personal information through fraudulent or unlawful means.
  • Use the collected information solely for the purposes authorized by the data subject.
  • Address requests for the exercise of ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition) promptly, within the legal timeframes, as submitted by data subjects or their representatives.
  • Implement necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data provided.
  • Implement an audit program to identify opportunities for improvement regarding compliance with personal data protection regulations.
  • Comply with current personal data protection regulations.


Following the Law and its Regulation, TURA TRAVEL PERU is committed to respecting the following principles:

  • Principle of Consent: Requires obtaining prior permission from the data subject for any personal data processing.
  • Principle of Purpose: Imposes the obligation to collect personal data for a predetermined purpose and to adhere to that purpose for any processing activities.
  • Principle of Proportionality: Ensures that personal data processing is relevant and not excessive relative to the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Principle of Security: Requires implementing necessary security measures to protect personal information.
  • Principle of Quality: Ensures that all personal data processing is accurate, up-to-date, necessary, and relevant.


The personal data collected by TURA TRAVEL PERU will be used for the following purposes:

  • To improve information management and communication between TURA TRAVEL PERU and its users, employees, and suppliers.
  • To confirm and correct information about users, employees, and suppliers.
  • To provide information that supports decision-making for the benefit of users of the infrastructure managed by TURA TRAVEL PERU.
  • To evaluate professionals applying for positions within TURA TRAVEL PERU.
  • To respond to requests, complaints, and/or grievances from users.
  • To record evidence of various situations occurring during trips purchased with us.
  • To have information that helps determine the identity of individuals traveling with TURA TRAVEL PERU.

Information obtained by TURA TRAVEL PERU may only be provided to public entities in the exercise of their legal functions or by court order.


According to the Law, data subjects have the following rights (these can be exercised following the procedure indicated in section 8 of this document):

  • Right to Rectification, Update, and Inclusion: Data subjects have the right to update, include, and correct their personal data when it is partially or wholly inaccurate, incomplete, or if omissions, errors, or falsehoods are noted.
  • Right to Cancellation or Suppression: Data subjects may request the cancellation or suppression of their personal data if it is not related or necessary for fulfilling TURA TRAVEL PERU’s contractual obligations or required by current regulations.
  • Right to Opposition: Data subjects may oppose the processing of their personal data at any time. Opposition will be accepted if the processing lacks contractual or legal justification.


Any interested party may exercise their legal rights by following the procedure established by TURA TRAVEL PERU, which involves presenting their ID or other official identification document and sending their request and/or inquiries to:


Address: Calle Suecia 310 – Cusco – Peru.

TURA TRAVEL PERU has a Manual for exercising ARCO Rights that all employees must be aware of and comply with.


Employees, officials, or agents of TURA TRAVEL PERU must not:

  • Process personal data of a third party without obtaining prior consent from the data subject.
  • Use obtained personal data for purposes other than those for which it was collected.
  • Use information for personal or third-party benefit.
  • Share personal data obtained by TURA TRAVEL PERU without legal or contractual justification.
  • Deny or obstruct the exercise of ARCO rights by data subjects.
  • Process personal data without respecting the principles outlined in section 5 of this document.
  • Violate their duty of confidentiality.


Failure to comply with the provisions set forth by Law No. 29733, its Regulation, or this policy by employees will be considered a serious offense. It may be subject to sanctions following current labor regulations.


TURA TRAVEL PERU will take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal information collected. Employees of TURA TRAVEL PERU and/or any third party with access to the personal information handled by TURA TRAVEL PERU are required to maintain confidentiality and strictly adhere to professional secrecy, if applicable. Confidentiality obligations will be included in all contracts TURA TRAVEL PERU enters into with collaborators, employees, suppliers, and generally any third party.